And, of course, the last thing Bee needs is to be exposed to something when she is on the last of her antibiotic shots and oral antibiotics. Thank God I have tea, chocolate and magic pills for the crazy. I just wish I'd purchased night time cold medication instead of regular because Noah would sleeping right now instead of taking my very last nerve and running it through a meat grinder. Noah pointed out last night that some animals eat their young when they are ill or injured. I politely declined, I'm mostly vegetarian and he does have some redeeming qualities. Today, I am marveling at the wisdom of some animals.
I am taking a moment, sitting down to drink some tea and on my wall is the following scripture:
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I've probably posted that one before, it does help a lot. Right next to that is a picture of snow, which is soothing to my soul as I love snow more than I can possibly express and miss it so much that each year my soul dies just a little as winter comes and goes and there is nary a flake to be found in this tropical "paradise". Ugh, I think I hear a lung being hacked up, guess I'll go clean that up now.
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